The population of Wellington City is expected to grow by 50,000 – 80,000 people over the next 30 years.
The Council’s strategy to accommodate this growth includes intensification in the central city and around existing town centres, as well as developing new urban areas in Lincolnshire Farm, Upper Stebbings and Glenside West.
Upper Stebbings and Glenside West are an attractive location for new housing being close to existing shops and services in Churton Park, Takapu Road and Tawa town centre.
The area is well connected to the transport network with the existing State Highway interchange at Westchester Drive, the train station at Takapu Road, and existing bus services in Churton Park and along Middleton Road.
Wellington Mayor Andy Foster says: “We’ve been working with the local community since 2018 on the future of Upper Stebbings and Glenside West”.