Property reports

A property report provides all the information in a Building Information Report, as well as other basic property information.

What a property report includes

The report includes the following details:

  • aerial photograph of the property
  • public and private drainage plans
  • computer details about the property
  • summarised relevant residential rules from the District Plan
  • details of building permits and consent records
  • rates information
  • summarised encroachment details.

What a property report doesn't include

A property report doesn't include the building consent plans or documents.

If you need the documents, which may include floor plans, use our building consent search service.

Get a property report

Property reports can be ordered online.

Properties with 9 or more household units

If you are applying for a property report on a property with 9+ household units, you will need to attach a current Record of Title (no older than 3 months). A Record of Title is available through LINZ (Land Information New Zealand). Please ensure you choose the ‘Current Title’ option when ordering the Record of Title online.

Land Title Services, LINZ (Land Information New Zealand)

Phone: 0800 665 463


Apply and pay online

Property reports are not available to commercial properties. If you need a report for a commercial property, apply for a LIM report.

Apply online


Property reports are charged per unit requested. For example, if you request a report on one unit in a building containing 100 units, it's one report at $400; if you want a report on two units in the building, it's two separate reports at $400 each.

Number of Household Units on the Property Fee Per Unit
1 - 2 $257.50
3 - 8 $376.50
9 and upwards $400.00

All fees include GST.

Processing time

A property report takes up to 3 working days to process, excluding public holidays and the period 25 December - 15 January.

Contact us

Business Services – LIM team

Phone: 04 801 4303


Postal address: PO Box 2199
Wellington 6140