Investment and Liabilities Management Policies

The Investment and Liability Management Policies are part of the financial policies on our Long-term Plan.

See: Long-term Plan 2021-31 – Financial policies (1.40MB PDF)

General policy objectives

The Council’s general policy objectives relating to its investment and liability management are to:

  • minimise the Council’s overall costs and risks associated with its borrowing activities and the general management of its other liabilities
  • manage its borrowings and cash assets on a “net debt” basis in order to reduce the overall net cost to the Council
  • pptimise the return on its investment portfolio and other financial assets
  • manage the Council’s exposure to adverse interest rate movements
  • borrow and invest funds and transact risk management instruments within an environment of control and compliance
  • regularly review and consider the performance of the Council’s financial assets and investments. Where appropriate, the Council will dispose of under performing assets or those assets and investments that are not essential to the delivery of services and activities set out in the Council’s Long Term Plan (LTP).