The project
The building is one of the southern-most masonry shop/residences constructed on Cuba Street, and is notable for its well-proportioned façade and restrained palette of classical ornamentation.
It has a Heritage New Zealand classification due to its streetscape value, but also because of its engineering and architectural value by having concrete exterior walls and steel frame construction.
Robert and Sarah were keen to ensure the long term viability of the building by increasing its seismic performance to above 70% by introducing new internal concrete frame ties to ground anchors, which are designed to maintain the exterior of the building – which is supported by Heritage New Zealand.
“We loved the building, we could afford it and it had a good return with a tenant that wanted to stay – but now we need to strengthen the concrete supports more using concrete and steel.
“Once the plans are completed and signed off by the Council we will approach a builder to look at options, and hopefully we can do this without vacating our tenant.
Having already earthquake strengthened a building in Christchurch, Robert knows that this type of renovation will take from 4-6 months, isn’t cheap, and that every little bit of support really helps.
“The Built Heritage Incentive Funds have been great. I have had some bad experiences in the past and this was the complete opposite – the team were open, proactive and helped a lot. They have been full of advice and support, and always available to talk too.”