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State of Housing project

Bringing together trusted housing data to provide insights into affordability, supply, and demand in Wellington City.

The State of Housing project presents a unique overview of housing in Wellington City. The website allows anyone with an interest in housing to understand affordability, current housing supply, and future demand in Wellington City.

Visit State of Housing website

State of Housing in Wellington City: Infographic report (1 MB PDF)
State of Housing in Wellington City: Infographic report text version (2.1 MB DOCX)

About the project

Improving housing outcomes to enhance the wellbeing of our communities is a significant priority for the Council.

The State of Housing website was developed to address the difficulty in accessing housing data and insights for Wellington City. The website brings trusted housing data from a variety of national and local sources into one central location.

The State of Housing website provides:

  • commentary and insights into Wellington City’s people and economy, affordability, housing supply, and demand
  • a repository of data sources
  • six interactive reports which show data at a suburb level for:
    • people and economy
    • socioeconomic deprivation
    • rental prices and bonds
    • household crowding
    • household damp and mould
    • future housing demand.

Future updates to the website will be made in 2025 when Census 2023 findings are available.

This information can be used to support evidence-informed decisions about new housing supply and sustainable housing outcomes for the city.

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