Birdwood Street slope remediation

We're constructing an anchored shotcrete wall to stabilise the failed slope on Birdwood Street, Karori.

About the project

The slips along Birdwood Street are situated above the northbound lane and below properties 5,11,13A,13B,15, and 17 Espin Crescent, where several slips occurred as a result of heavy and persistent rainfall events in August 2022. We are installing anchor shotcrete wall and erosion control meshes on the above slope area to stabilize it permanently.

Expected construction commencement is mid-September 2024

This project is in tender evaluation stage at present and name of the contractor will be published once tender awarding process completed.

Traffic management

During construction, traffic management will be operational around the worksite.

The road will remain open for vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians. It will be reduced to a single lane two-way system under a reduced speed limit, controlled by traffic signals or manual stop/go for the duration of the construction period.

There may be occasions the road needs to be closed. We will let you know when this is happening before it happens.

Construction will occur between 7am to 7pm from Monday to Saturday.

The name of the contractor will be notified closer to commencement of the work.


For more information, please contact:

Sarath Amarasekera, Civil/Structures Engineer