Johnsonville Town Centre Plan

Adopted November 2028.

The Johnsonville Town Centre Plan outlines a framework to guide the future development of Johnsonville.

The Town Centre Plan defines Wellington City Council’s vision for Johnsonville and identifies measures to manage change. It is intended as a long-term plan for the next 20 years. 

Johnsonville Town Centre Plan (1.56MB PDF)


Part 1: Introduction and Background

  • What is the Johnsonville Town Centre Plan?
  • Town Centre area defined
  • Strategic Policy context
  • The Johnsonville Story
  • Summary of consultation and feedback
  • SWOT analysis

Part 2: Future Development

  • Long Term Vision for Johnsonville
  • Key Goals
  • Town Centre Framework Plan
  • Town Centre Framework
  • Suburban Centre
  • Housing and Mixed Use
  • Employment and Economic Development
  • Urban Design and Urban Form
  • Urban Design
  • Public Spaces
  • Public Transport, Traffic, Parking and Pedestrians
  • Community Facilities

Part 3: Implementation

  • Role of Council
  • Role of Others
  • Action Plan