Code of practice for land development

The Council's Code of Practice for Land Development is the standard for development and subdivision in Wellington City.

Cover of the Code of Practice for Land Development

This Code defines the minimum standards in the design and construction of infrastructure, including earthworks, roading, water and drainage.

Applying the Code

The code is for both developers and Council officers. All infrastructure must meet applicable standards before the Council allows connection to existing networks, and takes ownership and responsibility for their ongoing maintenance and renewal.

2012 Code of Practice

The latest code contains revisions to the 1994 Code of Practice, including updated references to legislative documents and standards.

Amendments cover:

  • allowing the use of environmentally sustainable stormwater design, where the outcome will be a better quality living environment and the basic performance of the infrastructure is not reduced
  • strengthened sediment and erosion control
  • a new chapter on Open Spaces
  • placing rural work requirements in relevant sections
  • changes to the 'as-built' requirements, which are now clearly explained in relevant sections
  • adjustments and extensions to the Code's design procedures - wastewater and stormwater design, in particular.

The 2012 Code of Practice is only available online.

Entire document (2.10MB PDF)


Environmental sustainability

This code promotes sustainable management of natural and physical resources, and provides engineering standards and best environmental practice for the design and construction of infrastructure.

The 2012 Code operates across all four goals of the Wellington Towards 2040 strategy. It supports the Council’s strategic priorities for a well-managed city that provides effective services that are value for money, and which maintain and enhance resilience to achieve a city that is a great place to live.

Consultation on Draft Code of Practice for Land Development July 2022

The 2022 Code is a revision of the former Code of Practice for Land Development 2012. It has been updated in association with the preparation of the Wellington City Proposed District Plan, July 2022 and is released for comments.

Draft Code of Practice for Land Development - July 2022 (13.8MB PDF)

Comments on the Draft 2022 Code can be emailed to by 12 September 2022.