Karl Tiefenbacher

Candidate information for Karl Tiefenbacher.


Principal place of residence:
Within the Pukehīnau/Lambton General Ward area

Candidate statement

I’m Wellington’s ice cream guy – I founded Kaffee Eis 19 years ago, and it’s now a well-loved business supplying gelato nationwide and employing over 25 people.

I am deeply committed to Wellington, where I was born, raised, educated, and now run a business with three branches in the central city – over summer we make a tonne of gelato a day.

Running my own business means I understand it’s essential to spend money wisely, and make logical and affordable decisions. Wellington has some huge and expensive challenges, and I will fight on behalf of renters and owners for Council decisions to be sensible, cost-effective, and aimed at the things that will take our city forward.

As an independent I’ll be free to work with all councillors in the best interests of Wellington. 

I want Council to focus on managing infrastructure, restoring vibrancy to the city, and (importantly) spending our rates prudently.

Candidate profile information – large print version (32KB DOCX)

Contact details

Contact details have been provided by candidates. Some candidates have chosen not to share some contact details.

Email karl@kaffeeeis.co.nz
Mobile phone 021 546 410

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Disclaimer: This candidate profile has been compiled under the Local Electoral Act 2001. The Act provides that an electoral officer is not required to verify or investigate any information included in candidate profile statements and is not responsible for the accuracy of the information contained in such statements.