Liz Langham

Candidate information for Liz Langham, standing for Tawa Community Board.

Liz Langham

Principal place of residence

Within the Tawa Community Board area.

Candidate statement

I have lived in Tawa as a child, teenager, parent, commuter, volunteer, and self-employed worker. As a family of six, we are highly engaged in many areas of local life. This gives me a strong understanding of Tawa’s history, geography, and the strengths of our community. The experience gained through years of voluntary work and professional social work in health, education, and social services enables me to constructively engage with the range of issues presented to the Board. 

During a previous term on the Board (2017-19), I worked effectively with other Board and community members to bring our community’s collective concerns to Council. This resulted in significant improvements to the resourcing provided for our community, particularly in Linden. I offer my services again at this time as I believe that my previous experience, combined with my refreshed energy, will be valuable to the Board at this time.  

Contact details
