Distributing and receiving junk mail

We’ve introduced some restrictions to help reduce and manage the waste, litter and public nuisance junk mail can cause.

Junk mail, also known as unaddressed mail, is any mail or material that doesn’t display a full address and name of a person at that address.

Where junk mail can’t be distributed

Junk mail is not allowed:

  • in letterboxes marked "no circulars", "no junk mail", "addressed mail only" or similar, unless it is from:
    • government departments or agencies
    • crown entities or local authorities
    • network utility operators
    • local community organisations and charities
    • political parties or candidates
    • community newspapers or newsletters (unless the mailbox is clearly marked “no community newspapers”)
  • on vehicles parked in a public place
  • in letterboxes that are already full of mail and/or advertising materials. 

For more information see the Solid Waste Management and Minimisation Bylaw.

Breaches and fines

If junk mail or advertising material breaches the requirements, it will be deemed as litter.

Distributors may be fined up to $400.

How to stop receiving junk mail

If you receive junk mail or advertising material which breaches the requirements, you can report this by emailing the complaints department of the major distribution company.

Mailbox complaints - Marketing Association  

If you're still receiving junk mail

If you're still receiving junk material or advertising material, contact wasteoperations@wcc.govt.nz

How to stop receiving addressed marketing mail

If you don’t want to receive addressed marketing mail, you can add yourself to the Marketing Association Do Not Mail register.