
Prices (include GST)
40L bag: $8.50
Bulk: $85/m3
When to use it
Compost revitalises soil and enhances the growth and health of plants, while promoting pest and disease resistance. It stores moisture and nutrients, reducing plant stress from drought or neglect.
How to use it
- Compost should be dug into the top 5–10cm of surface soil to improve soil structure. Spread up to 5cm around flower beds, trees and shrubs.
- Using compost for vegetables and flowers: Before planting, mix a 2.5–5cm layer of compost into the soil.
- Using compost for lawn maintenance: Spread to a 1cm thick.
Garden mix

Prices (include GST)
40L bag: $10
Bulk: $99/m3
When to use it
Fill up your garden beds or planter boxes with garden mix, plant directly into the mix, it contains pumice for moisture retention.
How to use it
- For new gardens simply add a 15–30cm deep layer over existing soil or clay.
- When planting trees and shrubs, dig a hole four times the size of the root ball and surround the roots with garden mix.
Lawn mix

Prices (include GST)
25L bag: $9.50
Bulk: $103/m3
When to use it
Lawn mix is ideal for establishing and repairing lawns. The blend of ingredients ensures excellent drainage during wet periods, yet retains moisture during drier periods. The nutrients will last for about three months.
How to use it
New lawns:
- remove weeds, dead turf and debris
- cultivate to a depth of 15cm
- add lawn mix to a depth of 3–5cm and lightly press lawn seeds into the soil
- thoroughly water and keep moist for up to 14 days, or until grass is growing well.
Repairing lawns:
- repair site by lightly digging and thinning old lawn or dead grass
- add a 2–3cm layer of lawn mix
- sow seeds and keep continually moist for up to 14 days or until grass is growing well.

Prices (include GST)
40L bag: $8.50
Bulk: $63.50/m3
When to use it
Mulch will conserve soil moisture, get earthworms active, and suppress weeds. It contains up to 20 percent compost to help feed plants.
How to use it
- Spread around annuals and perennials (5–7cm depth), around trees and shrubs (10cm depth), and on your house plants (3cm depth).
Potting mix

Prices (include GST)
40L bag: $12
Bulk: $231/m3
When to use it
Potting mix is the complete all-purpose mix for growing healthy plants inside and outside the home or office. It contains compost, aged bark, pumice, and slow-release fertilisers and trace elements.
How to use it
- Thoroughly water each plant and leave to drain
- Partly fill the new container with potting mix
- Position the plant in the container, leaving space at the top for watering
- Fill firmly with potting mix to add stability, and water thoroughly
- After five to six months, apply a fertiliser / plant food.
Price (includes GST)
When to use it
Our topsoil is screened to 1cm for improved aeration, and delivers a consistent soil structure. It’s a loamy and clay soil blend, full of organic matter with beneficial microorganisms and nutrients.
How to use it
- Use topsoil as a base for establishing new lawns and gardens.
Price (includes GST)
When to use it
Use ultrasoil to start new gardens or as a stable planting medium for trees, shrubs and flower beds.
How to use it
- Plant directly into ultrasoil;
- or mix with clay or hard soils to improve structure.
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