Wellington Nature in the City map

Check out an interactive online map which highlights the unique connection the city has to its natural surroundings, environment, and local wildlife.

The Wellington Nature in the City Map gives both locals and visitors a chance to celebrate and participate in the urban playground that incorporates the capital’s harbour, hills, coastline, and native flora and fauna.

As well as biodiversity, it also shows aspects of the built environment and sculptures that have been inspired by the nature of the city.

The Wellington Nature in the City map is a joint project between the Wellington City Council, Victoria University of Wellington’s School of Architecture, and Wellington Living Architecture group. 

Wellington is one of a select few cities internationally that are named as ‘biophilic cities’, and is part of a growing movement where ecological restoration, architecture, landscape architecture, and urban planning are deliberately used to heighten the physical, psychological, and economic benefits that contact with nature bring to city inhabitants.

By showcasing Wellington’s special sites of nature in the city, nature activities on offer, and places where our urban fabric reflects our love of nature, the Wellington Nature in the City map project firmly cements Wellington’s reputation as a leading global nature city.