Rates remissions

Council rates remissions are available for ratepayers that meet the criteria outlined in our Rates Remission Policy.

A partial reduction in the amount of rates you have to pay is called a rates remission.

You may be eligible for rates remission if your property meets certain criteria and you're able to supply sufficient proof that you qualify.

Applying for a rates remission

All applications must be made using the rates remission application form. Exceptions are:

  • applications for low-income ratepayer remissions which will be automatically calculated when you submit your rates rebate form.

Rates remission application form

The application for a rates remission must be made before the beginning of the rating year (1 July). Successful applications received during the year will apply from the beginning of the following year. No applications will be backdated.

Decisions relating to the remission of rates special circumstances are delegated to officers as set out in the Council’s delegations manual.

Types of rates remissions

There are different types of rates remissions:

Rates Remission Policy

For more information, see our Rates Remission Policy.