Changing home ownership

When you're buying or selling a home, it's your responsibility to know what rates you owe.


Rates are a charge on a property, not a property owner. That means any outstanding rates on a property at the time of purchase become the responsibility of the new owner.

When a property is sold, the vendor's solicitor will usually identify any outstanding rates and prepare the settlement statement accordingly. But potential buyers should always ask if there are any rates due.

If you have not received a rates invoice at your new house, it may mean the postal address your solicitor provided us was incorrect. It’s important you confirm your postal address for rates invoices with your solicitor.


If you receive a rates invoice or valuation notice in your name after you've sold the property it may mean:

  • the Council has not received notification of the sale, or
  • the invoice was generated before the notification of sale was received. 

If this occurs, please advise your solicitor as soon as possible.

If you've been paying your rates by direct debit, the direct debit will be cancelled automatically once your solicitor notifies the Council of the sale.

You can ask to get a direct debit cancelled before the sale by emailing with your property address, rates account, and bank account details.


If you receive a rates invoice that you believe is incorrectly addressed, please either return it to us or email