Making a submission on a notice of requirement

A submission is your chance to give feedback on a notice of requirement that affects you.

When you can make a submission

You can only make submissions on notified notices of requirement.

  • Anyone can make a submission on a publicly notified notice of requirement.
  • You can only make a submission on a limited notified notice of requirement if you've been identified as an affected party.

To see if there are any notified notices of requirement open for submissions visit our public notices page.

Making a submission

You can make a submission on all or part of a notice of requirement.

Your submission needs to include:

  • aspects of the notice you oppose, support or are neutral towards, and the reasons why
  • the applicant's details – you'll find this on the public notice
  • if you wish to speak in support of your submission at a hearing.

Download the form

Submission on a notice of requirement (193KB PDF)