Notified resource consents

Notified consents allow members of the public to give feedback on resource consent applications that may affect them or their environment.

How it works

If your resource consent application may affect your neighbours, the wider community, or environment, it may need to be processed as a "notified consent".

Notified consents allow members of the public and potentially affected parties to give feedback on resource consent applications that affect them. If they lodge a submission, they may be presented at a hearing and taken into account when making a decision on your consent.

Extra fees apply to notified consents.

Resource consent fees

The notified consent process

1. We assess if your application should be notified – 20 working days

There are two types of notified consents.

Your application will be publicly notified if:

  • we determine that your proposal may affect the wider community to a "more than minor" extent (for example, if the visual effect of your activity will have an impact on the landscape of the city), or
  • you’ve voluntarily requested it.

Your application will be a limited notification consent if:

  • directly affects certain people – for example, your direct neighbours may lose privacy or sun – and
  • you haven't already obtained written approval from those people.

Getting written approval from affected neighbours

If you don't think your consent should be notified

You can object to our decision and request a judicial review.

Resource consent objections and appeals

2. Your application is open for submissions – 20 working days

We advertise publicly notified consents on our website. Anyone can make a submission about your consent, and all the submissions will be considered when we assess your application.

Recent resource consents

For limited notification consents, only people who are directly affected by your plans will be given the opportunity to make a submission. We'll contact them directly with information on how to do this.

Submissions are open for 20 working days.

3. If your application goes to a hearing

If we receive submissions on your application and people want to present their arguments in person, we will hold a hearing.

If we don't receive a submission on your application then you won't need a hearing. We'll make a decision on your application within 20 working days from the date submissions closed.

Before the hearing

At least 10 working days before the hearing, you'll receive an email that states:

  • the date of your hearing
  • what you need to provide – for example, any written evidence from experts that supports your application.

You will also receive a report by our planner that assesses the submissions received and your application. This will be sent out to you and anyone who made a submission 15 working days before the hearing.

What you need to prepare

If you intend to ask any witnesses or experts to give evidence at your hearing, you'll need provide the evidence to us at least 10 working days before the hearing is due.

You'll also need to decide if:

  • you want to present your case at the hearing or if you want to hire a representative, such a lawyer, to do it for you
  • you want to request one or more independent commissioners to be present at your hearing.

Sometimes you might also need to attend a meeting before the hearing to sort out any minor issues.

At the hearing

No one can speak at the hearing unless they've made a submission or been asked to be a witness or give evidence.

At the hearing:

  • we present our report on your application
  • any experts we've asked for technical input will present their advice
  • you or your representative will then put forward your case for your proposal
  • any expert witnesses you've asked to back up your proposal will present their evidence
  • people who made submissions on your application present their arguments for or against your proposal.

After the hearing

The hearing panel will make a decision on whether your application will be approved or declined within 15 working days of the hearing and may be subject to conditions.

Contact us

The Resource Consents team is available Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm.

Phone: 04 801 3590
