News | 23 September 2021
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Seniors’ Week to go on for golden ages

Sustainability workshops, exercise classes, line dancing, cemetery tours and improv theatre are just some of the events planned for the Capital’s older community during Te Wiki Kaumātua – Seniors' Week 2021.

Man getting out of water after winter swim

Organised by Wellington City Council, the week kicks-off on Friday 1 October with a large variety of events and activities, all designed to help build social connections, get the older community engaged, and to encourage trying new things.

Full programme (7.2MB PDF)

This year’s theme is ‘Across Generations’ which is focused on ways to connect people from all generations and backgrounds from all over the Capital, says Mayor Andy Foster.

“Our senior community has a rich treasure house of lifetime experiences that are hugely significant and represent an important contribution to the identity, culture and diversity of our city.

“This week is a great opportunity to share their stories, learn something, teach something, and connect and reconnect with people from all walks of life.

“Our senior community has every right to be proud as we are of them for their immense contribution towards making Wellington the great city it is,” says Mayor Foster.

Stephen Opie, Chief Executive of Age Concern Wellington, says the start date for Seniors’ Week is significant as 1 October is International Day of Older Persons.

“It’s a good time to reflect on the amazing contribution older people make to the community, be it through working, volunteering, supporting family, providing advice, looking out for neighbours, and in many other ways.

“The senior population in the Wellington Region is expected to more than double in the next 20 years, that contribution will be even more significant to our city in the years to come.”

This year’s events include a tour of the Miramar Prison Garden, social drama classes, line dancing for beginners, and a Stroke Foundation van – which includes free blood pressure testing to reduce the risk of having a stroke later in life.

“Each year we see more variety in the events and activities, which are all run by the great community groups around Pōneke,” says Council’s Community & Neighbourhood Advisor, Vondy Thornton.

“We are very lucky to be able to go ahead with the current COVID-19 restrictions. All of our community groups have adapted really well, but we encourage everyone attending events to follow safety guidelines and get in contact with the organiser before the event to find out about any restrictions.”

To find out what events are being held during Seniors’ Week, check out the programme (7.2MB PDF) go to or email