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News | 13 June 2024
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See you online: Final print edition of Our Wellington magazine

Since 2014, the Council has been producing an insider’s guide to life in the capital, known as the Our Wellington magazine. In the past decade, we’ve published 38 editions of this seasonal brochure, and the winter 2024 issue will be our last. Here is a look back at the history of the magazine.

A collection of Our Wellington magazines lined up.

Every season 80,000 copies of the magazine are published and distributed to Wellington households and Council facilities. Our magazine had a simple goal: to be a one-stop shop for information about the Council’s services, events we support, the city’s public spaces and places, free activities, and provide important news for residents.  

Prior to the magazine, the Council had a weekly full-page ad in The Post called Our Wellington, (2005-2014). The rationale to move to our own publication was to reduce spend on traditional advertising and provide a physical guide for those who were not online. 

The proposal to end Our Wellington magazine was one of many put forward as part of our draft 2024-34 Long-term Plan, as a way of reducing pressure on rates as the city’s costs increase and we face major financial challenges.

Previous editions of Tō Tātou Pōneke - Our Wellington have been digitised and can be found at Archives Online.

Over the years 

Our Wellington has covered a range of topics over the years, starting out as a glossy magazine and evolving to the booklets we know today.  

The first issue 1 September 2014 was a spring edition. This magazine celebrated the Spring Festival, which had the famous Tulip Sunday, a guided tour of Parliament with high tea at Bellamy’s and a Murder and Mayhem twilight guided tour at the Bolton Street Cemetery. 

In the autumn edition in 2018, we covered a profile on Gina Kiel and her colourful Cable Car artwork. In the years gone by, Gina has painted a number of murals across the city, including the most recent one in Island Bay.  

Our 2019 winter edition featured a story about planting 15,000 native trees along the Town Belt on Mount Victoria. Looking back over the past few years, we have planted over two million plants across the city thanks to our parks, sport and recreation team and wonderful community groups

Our first edition post-COVID in summer 2021 covered stories about the  continuing work on Omāroro Reservoir, which has now been completed and the launch of the Pōneke Promise. We also launched our Street Smart campaign, highlighting the spaces we live, work and play. 

Our final edition 

Our Wellington cover art.

This final edition celebrates our city and Matariki, the Māori New Year. We explore the meaning and traditions of Matariki Puanga, and share the story behind Whetuu Maarama, the new waka at the upgraded Te Aro Mahana play area in Frank Kitts Park.

The magazine encourages people to check out the awesome Matariki events happening in our city such as Ahi Kā and Mana Moana Pōneke, and the Pōhutukawa and Hiwa-i-te-rangi ceremony that honours those who have passed away since last Matariki and express our hopes for the future. 

This edition covers the period from 16 June to 31 August, and will be hitting your letterbox later this week.

Stay up-to-date on capital life 

We hope you continue to check out the fantastic events, services, and facilities on offer by subscribing to our newsletter, visiting our website or following us on social media. 

While you may no longer receive a physical magazine in your letterbox, you can keep up to date with life in the capital by: