Notice of Requirement for the Proposed Prince of Wales Park – Omāroro reservoir

Status Closed
Start date 28 September 2017
Closed date 27 October 2017
Location Prince of Wales Park, Brooklyn
(legally described as Part Lot 2 DP10337)
Service Request Number SR394052
Name of Applicant Wellington City Council
Applicant's Address for Service c/o - Beca
PO Box 3942
Wellington 6140
Attn: Mhairi Rademaker

What happened to this public notice?

Wellington City Council sought feedback on the proposal for the construction, operation and maintenance of a 35,000m³ water reservoir within the Town Belt.

Update to notice of requirement

Since the closure of this consultation, we have received advice from Wellington Water that the notice of requirement is updated in respect of the proposed:

  • operating hours for earthworks relating to heavy vehicle movements
  • permanent raising of the lower field.

These updates are considered to be within the scope of the notice of requirement and are outlined in the Updated Notice of Requirement for the Prince of Wales / Omāroro Water Reservoir (886PDF KB).

Recommendation of the Hearings Panel

Following the hearing at the beginning of March 2018, the independent hearings panel have made their recommendation that the notice of requirement be confirmed. Their recommendation is attached below.

Wellington City Council (as the Requiring Authority) will make a decision on the recommendation from the independent panel. This decision will be added to this page when it is released.

Decision of the Council

The Chief City Planner of Wellington City Council has made the decision to confirm the designation for Prince of Wales / Omaroro Reservoir, subject to the imposition of conditions.

The decision letter and conditions, along with the recommendation of the independent hearings panel are all below.

  • Decision letter to submitters - Omaroro Notice of Requirement: 8.5.2018
  • Designation Conditions - appendix A
  • Recommendation of the Independent Hearings Panel - WCC decision + appendix B