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Boneface Tavern, 13 Pirie Street, Mount Victoria, Wellington

Status Closed
Start date 18 December 2023
Closed date 20 February 2024
Location 13 Pirie Street, Mount Victoria, Wellington
Name of Applicant The Hop Garden Limited

Description of proposal

The Hop Garden Limited, PO Box 88, Bay View, Napier 4149 has applied to the District Licensing Committee in Wellington for the renewal and variation of an On licence for the premises situated at 13 Pirie Street, Mount Victoria, Wellington.

The general nature of the business conducted (or to be conducted) under the licence is Tavern with outdoor areas, by the front entrance and on the first floor.


There is a proposed variation to reduce the licensed hours of the premises.

The days on which and the hours during which alcohol is (or is intended to be) sold under the licence are:

Current hours:

Monday to Sunday, 8.00am to 3.00am the following day

Proposed hours:

Monday to Sunday, 8.00am to 2.00am the following day

The application may be inspected during office hours by arrangement - email or phone 04 801 3760.


Any person who is entitled to object and who wishes to object to the issue of the licence may, not later than 25 working days after the date of the publication of this notice, file a notice in writing of the objection with the Secretary of the District Licensing Committee at PO Box 2199, Wellington 6140.

Object to an application

Objecting to the issue of new licence: No objection to the issue of a licence may be made in relation to a matter other than a matter specified in section 105(1) of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.

Objecting to the renewal of an existing licence: No objection to the renewal of a licence may be made in relation to a matter other than a matter specified in section 131 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.