Te Kopahou Reserve survey

Status Closed
Start date 15 September 2017
Closed date 31 October 2017
Number of submissions 333

What happened to this consultation?

The draft plan was open for public submissions from December through to the end of February. Over that period we held several open days at both the Brooklyn Wind Turbine carpark and the Te Kopahou Visitors’ Centre, showing visitors the draft plan and telling them about the submission period. Rangers were also talking to reserve users who were out and about over the summer months. When the submission period closed on 28 February we had received a total of just over 300 submissions – which is great! 

Next steps

  • We will be spending some time going through all of the submissions (April/May)
  • Submitters will be invited to make an oral submission to Councillors (May/June)
  • Officers will get in touch with individual submitters and groups if there are still matters to clarify/understand from submissions (June/July)
  • Officers work through what changes then need to be made and will prepare a final plan and report (July/August) 
  • The Council will make a decision on the final plan and report at Pūroro Rangaranga - Social, Cultural & Economic meeting on Thursday 2 December. The final report is available to read now. An additional report by Envisage (48MB PDF) on track feasibility and network was also prepared to inform the plan.