Polhill Reserve name change

Status Closed
Start date 15 September 2021
Closed date 8 October 2021
Landscape view of Polhill Reserve showing a gully with housing and hill up behind.
Polhill Reserve

The name Waimapihi comes from the stream that once went past Te Aro Pā and its tributaries originate in Polhill Gully.

The stream was an important mahinga kai site and a source of water for drinking as well as irrigation for kumara and flax. Waimapihi refers to the waters of Mapihi, a rangatira (female chieftain) who used to bathe in the waters of the stream. The stream is now redirected underground through pipes from Aro Valley, but the cultural significance of the area remains.

Changing the name will acknowledge this history and make it accessible to all those who visit the reserve.

The name change proposal is in line with Council’s Te Tauihu Te Reo Māori Policy, with a vision for a te reo capital city by 2040. It sets out that people will recognise Wellington as a te reo capital because it will be reflected throughout our city landscape and the places we meet.

The proposal will go to Council to be approved in November.

If you have any feedback, please email communications@wcc.govt.nz by 5pm Friday 8 October.