Outer Green Belt Management Plan Review

Status Closed
Start date 23 January 2019
Closed date 25 March 2019
Number of submissions 226

What happened to this consultation?

Wellington City Council sought your views on the proposed changes to the Outer Green Belt Management Plan. Submissions were considered and a revised Outer Green Belt Management Plan was approved. The final plan was adopted in August 2019.

Summary of proposed changes...

The Outer Green Belt reserves support the growth of Wellington City and our compact urban form. The draft management plan describes how the Outer Green Belt provides ecosystem services to the city (such as providing fresh water, holding carbon and protecting soils and vegetation).

The draft plan also notes the role of the Outer Green Belt as a recreation space that is easy to access and where people can participate in a range of activities such as walking, running, biking or participating in environmental care activities. This allows people to meet others in their community, lead active lives and foster a connection to the natural environment, even though they live in a city. The plan includes ideas about how the reserves can support city resilience and help create resilient communities.

Proposal documents

Please note: There was an error in the labelling of some of the maps in this document. They were corrected on 29 January 2019.

Next steps

  • April 2019: Oral hearings.
  • August 2019: Summary of submissions and recommendations presented to Outer Green Belt Management Plan Subcommittee.
  • August 2019: Revised management plan approved by City Strategy Committee.
  • November/ December 2019: Final 2019 management plan to be published.

More information

Bec Ramsay
Open Space & Rec Planning Manager
Phone: 04 499 4444
Email: bec.ramsay@wcc.govt.nz