Review of the Gambling Venues Policy 2010

Status Closed
Start date 20 April 2015
Closed date 22 May 2015
Number of submissions 751

What happened to this consultation?

Wellington City Council sought your views on the proposed changes to our current policy for gambling venues.

Proposal document and information

Statement of Proposal and Consultation Document (311KB PDF)

Next steps

  • 16 September 2015
    The Community, Sport and Recreation Committee to review submissions received on the Gambling Venues Policy: Committee meeting - 16.09.15.


Proposed changes
The key changes are as follows:

  • Lowering the maximum limits that were set in the 2010 policy so that no more than two further venues can be set up in any zone. This means that the new limits would be the lesser of:
    • the existing number of pokies in an area plus 18 (that is 2 new venues with the maximum of 9 pokies at each)
    • the current cap.
  • Allow venues to relocate and take their existing entitlement of machines with them, but only if:
    • they relocate to or within the central zone
    • they relocate to or within an area identified as a “centre” in the Wellington District Plan
    • the number of pokies in the new venue are not more than those allowed in that zone.
  • In the "centres" identified in the Wellington District Plan, remove the requirement that only premises with an alcohol on-licence can be pokie venues

What remains the same

  • There would still be maximum limits on the number of machines in most geographic areas. As with the existing policy, no limit would apply in the central city.
  • The existing policy on Racing Board venues would remain, meaning they can be set up anywhere in the Wellington District, subject to the provisions of the Wellington City District Plan. 

More information

Geoff Lawson
Principal Programme Advisor, Policy

 Phone (04) 499 4444