Petition - View Signatures


Bring Back the Trams - Make Wellington a Pedestrian, Cycle and Tram friendly city.

I propose that the council conduct an extensive feasibility study into closing off the CBD to bus and car transport in order to replace it with Trams. Thus taking into account the threat of peak oil plus rising prices, climate change, air pollution and health (caused by transport emissions affecting city pedestrians), and the unresolved issues of high congestion.

Submitted by Sarah van Iddekinge
Opened 6 May 2008
Closed 6 August 2008


Total: 311

Name Suburb City
Simon Watts Island Bay Wellington
marie haley Aro Wellington
Peter Johnson Kilbirnie Wellington
Kerry Tankard Aro Valley Wellington
Benjamin Reed Highbury Wellington
Aaron Packard Kelburn Wellington
Alex Cavada Mt. Victoria Wellington
Georgina Hart Brooklyn Wellington
Patrick Schroeder Mitchelltown Wellington
Rata Gordon Aro Valley Wellington
laurie-ann foon berhampore wellington
Terra Dumont Kelburn Wellington
Kenneth Mackenzie NaeNae Lower Hutt
Natalie Grimmer Kilbirnie Wellington
Debby Rosin Karori Wellington
Will Taito Miramar Wellington
Joseph McEnteer Khandallah Wellington
Melinda Green naenae Lower Hutt
Josh Kalderimis Karori Wellington
lara orman York Bay, Eastbourne Lower hutt city