Petition - View Signatures


Say 'No" to wheelie bins.

WCC councillors will be briefed in June on the decision to significantly change our kerbside recycling collection system. This will see the existing green recycling bins/crates being for glass only and wheelie bins for paper, cardboard, plastic and aluminium/steel can recycling. For the 12,000 + households who cannot use wheelie bins, a number of plastic bags per annum will be provided by the council. This at a time when we are being encouraged to reduce our plastic bag usage!

Submitted by Paul Widdowson
Opened 26 May 2010
Closed 26 October 2010


Total: 67

Name Suburb City
Tim Carthew Wadestown Wellington
Keith Powell Newtown Wellington
alexis Medder Newtown Wellington
Sara Wisse Brooklyn Wellington
Johan Wisse Brooklyn Wellington
Shona van Zijll de Jong Korokoro Wellington
Shanann Carr Wadestown Wellington