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This 'Harbour City' of ours requires jetties at Boat Ramps.

For a Harbour City, there is a distinct lack of boat ramps with Jetties. All boat ramps (official and 'non' official) on Wellington's south coast have no jetties and are not only inconvenient, but downright dangerous to use.

Submitted by Marc O'Connor
Opened 16 July 2010
Closed 16 September 2010


Total: 44

Name Suburb City
Marc O'Connor Island Bay Wellington
Tresta Keegan Seatoun Wellington
Roger White-Parsons Campbells Bay Auckland
Dharmesh Suratwala Stonefields Auckland
Gerald Lim North Shore City Auckland
Patricia Reilly Island Bay Wellington
Robyn Wilkinson Owhiro Bay Wellington
kieran o connor miramar wellington
Richard Tingey Levin West Levin
Angus Kincaid Woburn Lower Hutt
Camilla Welch Pauatahanui Porirua
chris Garratt Te Aro wellington
Liz Allman Crofton Downs Wellington
Karen Adams Raumati Beach Wellington
Megan Bridge Island Bay Wellington
Gary Jackson Kingsland Auckland
dave rowell newtown wellington
Cat Johnson Higham Ferrers Rushden
John Wilkinson Owhiro Bay Wellington
Nicola Harland Hataitai Wellington