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Banning of smoking in communal areas of WCC properties

Petition details

I propose that WCC ban smoking from all communal areas in it's properties. WCC has banned smoking in parks, in their workplaces etc in recognition that secondhand smoke is detrimental and dangerous to health. WCC continues to allow it's tenants, including children and those suffering from severe illness to be exposed to secondhand smoke in the place they live, therefore exposing them to danger and not providing and their children a safe and health environment.

Submitted by Abi Hemus
Date withdrawn 4 March 2015
Status Withdrawn

Background information

80% of Wellingtonians choosing not to smoke, most ratepayers, support asmokefree environment (as stated by Paul Eagle who is charge of WCC housing). These conditions have been linked to secondhand smoke exposure in children: Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) More respiratory infections (such as bronchitis and pneumonia) More severe and frequent asthma attacks. Ear infections. Chronic cough.


Signatures: 1

What happened to this petition?

This petition was withdrawn by the petitioner.