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Island Bay Kindergarten Parking and Car Turning Safety.

Petition details

The parents of children at Island Bay Kindergarten are concerned that the lack of a safe car turning area and limited parking spaces near the kindergarten is placing young children using the kindergarten at risk of injury. The following people support the creation of a controlled car turning area away from the kindergarten entrance and time restricted parking spaces to allow parents to safely drop off and pick up children.

Submitted by Nicola Clissold
Date withdrawn 3 March 2008
Status Withdrawn

Background information

Melbourne Road is a dead end street. Cars are turning where ever they can often in the Kindergarten entrance & over the footpath. Cones have been placed over resident driveways. Small children use this area & are not easily seen by users of big vehicles. Parked cars are being damaged. Cars are often parked in the area all day. Parents, some with young babies, need close parks and end up double parked.


Signatures: 11

What happened to this petition?

This petition was withdrawn by the petitioner.