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Ban SUVs and vehicles larger than SUVs from parts of Johnsonville

Petition details

The WCC must ban SUVs and vehicles larger than SUVs (including utes) from all carparks in Johnsonville. This includes parks on the street, shopping centres, malls, supermarkets and everywhere other than where the driver resides.

Submitted by Seann Paurini
Date declined
Status Declined

Background information

These things should only be permitted to park in a property rented or owned by the driver. They're offensive, a waste of space, bad for the environment and for limited space. Too many of the people who drive these things can't seem to park them, they speed around Johnsonville and this makes them dangerous - especially for children, folks with disabilities and the elderly.


Signatures: 1

What happened to this petition?

This petition was declined for the following reason:

The epetition: Ban SUVs and vehicles larger than SUVs from parts of Johnsonville has been declined as it falls outside of our jurisdiction.

Firstly, we can only control parking in public places that the Council controls. We do not control parking “at shopping centres, malls, supermarkets and everywhere other than where the driver resides”.

Secondly, introducing a bylaw clause to give effect to this must meet the bylaw tests under s155 of the Local Government Act 2002.

If a local authority has determined that a bylaw is the most appropriate way of addressing the perceived problem, it must, before making the bylaw, determine whether the proposed bylaw;

(a)    is the most appropriate form of bylaw; and

(b)    gives rise to any implications under the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990.

Ownership or the use of a SUV and a vehicle larger than SUV (including utes) is not a sufficient or reasonable reason to place this limitation on a person’s right to park that vehicle anywhere other than at their place of residence.