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Stop Wellington Airport erecting the "WELLYWOOD" sign.

Petition details

This petition is for people who do not want the "WELLYWOOD" sign to be erected. Some reasons: 1. Unoriginality. If Wellington is trying to promote its creativity then copying the "HOLLYWOOD" sign would not achieve this - in fact, it would have the opposite effect. There are much better ways in which Wellington can show off its creativity. 2. An Eyesore. At the moment the site of the sign is green bush. Putting this "WELLYWOOD" sign up will detract from the beauty of the city.

Submitted by Anthony Lander
Date declined 23 March 2010
Status Declined

Background information

Wellington Airport are constructing a 3.5m high, 28m long "WELLYWOOD" sign on the hill next to the Miramar cutting, near the airport. It is due to be finished and erected in June 2010. Wellington Airport chief executive Steve Fitzgerald claims "The sign will help cement Wellywood's [Wellington's] place as an international tourism landmark."



What happened to this petition?

This petition was declined for the following reason:

Petition was not within the jurisdiction of the Council.