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Revoke the resource consent for the "Wellywood"sign planned for the Miramar Cutting hill

Petition details

Resource consent was given to Wellington Airport to erect a "Wellywood" sign in June/July. This will be visible when planes are landing in Wellington and we think that it is an unsightly plan that will destroy the cultural uniqueness of Wellington.

Submitted by Taase Vaoga
Date declined 31 March 2010
Status Declined

Background information

Wellington City Council approved resource consent for a planned "Wellywood" sign to be situated on the Miramar cutting hill, which is owned by Wellington Airport.



What happened to this petition?

This petition was declined for the following reason:

Petition was not within the jurisdiction of the Council.

The resource consent, having been granted, can only be set aside through appropriate legal processes before the Environment Court or the High Court of New Zealand. The Wellington City Council is functus officio in relation to the consent.