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Please ban all burning off and all woodburners in Wellington.

Petition details

Wellington council should ban the use and installation of all solid fuel domestic heaters and should have a complete ban on burning off. Woodsmoke is not only a nuisance, it is toxic. It is carcinogenic & mutagenic and has 100s of poisons in it. It leads to the deaths of 1000s of people in NZ each year. It causes asthma and other diseases. Living near a woodburner means months of misery each year or moving home. The real cost of wood burners is paid by the community and not by the polluter.

Submitted by Matthew Thredgold
Date declined 24 November 2009
Status Declined

Background information

Personally I have had to move home 2 times in the 12 months I have lived in New Zealand. Each time was because of wood smoke. Once was due to regular burnoffs from a neighbour and the other was due to domestic wood fires. I now live outside of Wellington to avoid the risk of having to move again to avoid wood smoke, but in a better world I could buy a house in Wellington without fear of wood smoke.



What happened to this petition?

This petition was declined for the following reason:

Petition was not within the jurisdiction of the Council.

It was recommended that the petitioner refer his concerns to the Greater Wellington Regional Council and Ministry for the Environment.