Petition details
Wellington council should ban the use and installation of all solid fuel domestic heaters and should have a complete ban on burning off.
Woodsmoke is not only a nuisance, it is toxic. It is carcinogenic & mutagenic and has 100s of poisons in it. It leads to the deaths of 1000s of people in NZ each year. It causes asthma and other diseases. Living near a woodburner means months of misery each year or moving home. The real cost of wood burners is paid by the community and not by the polluter.
Background information
Personally I have had to move home 2 times in the 12 months I have lived in New Zealand. Each time was because of wood smoke. Once was due to regular burnoffs from a neighbour and the other was due to domestic wood fires. I now live outside of Wellington to avoid the risk of having to move again to avoid wood smoke, but in a better world I could buy a house in Wellington without fear of wood smoke.