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Make safe space for cycling on Thorndon Quay

Petition details

We all deserve safe streets.

Let’s make Thorndon Quay safe for people on bikes.

We call on Wellington City Council to change angle parking to parallel parking on Thorndon Quay, to make space for people on bikes.

Thorndon Quay is a key route in Wellington’s cycling network, linking the city with northern suburbs. Sadly, it has a high crash rate. That needs fixing urgently.

Submitted by Patrick Morgan
Opened 22 December 2020
Closed 22 February 2021
Status Presented

Background information


Q: Does Thorndon Quay need protected bike lanes?

A: Yes. These will happen in the Let's Get Wellington Moving upgrade, but in the meantime we need to make it safe.

Q: Is there a risk that a change to parallel parking means we won’t get bike lanes?

A: No.

Q: What about parking?

A: A WCC study has shown that even at peak demand, there is plenty of unused car parks on Thorndon Quay. Wellington has more than 29,000 car parks in the central city.


Signatures: 389

What happened to this petition?

This petition closed for signatures on 22 February 2021.

This petition was presented at the Pūroro Hātepe | Regulatory Processes Committee meeting of 14 April 2021.