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There is increasing demand for community gardens

Petition details

There is increasing demand for community gardens. They provide educational, practical and social opportunities. As a community garden we would like something like a community gardens co ordinator role to be created to support the hours of volunteer labour that goes into community gardens. Community gardens builds communities, encourage participation, improve child health, and reduce dr's visits when diet is improved.

Submitted by Andrew Mclachlan
Opened 7 June 2011
Closed 7 August 2011
Status Presented

Background information

We have families under pressure from loss of jobs, familes under pressure from rising food prices, foodbanks shutting down due to lack of food yet we have the space, the people, the desire to setup a number of community gardens around the Wellington region. There needs to be co-ordination between a diverse range of community groups, to efficiently manage public resources , businesses, council, parks and gardens to meet this growing need.


Signatures: 155

What happened to this petition?

This petition closed for signatures on 7 August 2011.

The petition was presented to the Strategy and Policy Committee on 13 October 2011.

Download Officers' Response (17KB PDF)