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This 'Harbour City' of ours requires jetties at Boat Ramps.

Petition details

For a Harbour City, there is a distinct lack of boat ramps with Jetties. All boat ramps (official and 'non' official) on Wellington's south coast have no jetties and are not only inconvenient, but downright dangerous to use.

Submitted by Marc O'Connor
Opened 16 July 2010
Closed 16 September 2010
Status Presented

Background information

The boat ramp at Ohiro Bay was upgraded a few years ago, but no jetty. None either at Island Bay (unofficial ramp, I think), Lyall Bay or Moa Point. In Wgtn City (excluding Seaview / Eastborne), there is one public boat ramp with a Jetty - Evans Bay. Smaller communities around New Zealand have better facilities than this proud capital of ours. (Gisborne for example have world class boat launching facilities)


Signatures: 44

What happened to this petition?

This petition closed for signatures on 16 September 2010.

The petition was presented to the Strategy and Policy Committee on 9 December 2010.

The Committee made the following resolutions:
1. Receive the information.
2. Request that Officers assess whether a small concrete structure is appropriate as a boat jetty and to follow up with the petitioner.

Download Officers' Response (118KB PDF)