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Rename Civic Square "Hillary Plaza".

Petition details

I propose that Wellington City Council honours the memory of Sir Edmund Hillary by renaming Civic Square "Sir Edmund Hillary Plaza".

Submitted by Curtis Nixon
Opened 19 March 2010
Closed 19 June 2010
Status Presented

Background information


Signatures: 5

What happened to this petition?

This petition closed for signatures on 19 June 2010.

The petition was presented to the Strategy and Policy Committee on 19 August 2010.

The Committee made the following resolutions:
1. Receive the information
2. Note the officers’ advice.
3. Note that Sir Edmund Hillary has no direct association with Civic Square and agree that the current name correctly reflects the Square as the principal civic place in the City.
4. Note that officers have advised that there is no particular association with any location in Wellington.
5. Agree that no further action will be taken and that officers will thank the petitioner for his petition and advise the petitioner that no action is appropriate on it.

Download Officers' Response (15KB PDF)