Petition details
Wellington Community Net (WCN) is a free website hosting service for 570+ Wellington-based community groups owned by Wellington City Council and funded via Activity 5.6.5 in the LTCCP (Community ICT). The draft LTCCP 2009-2019 retains Activity 5.6.5 but removes all funding.
Wellington ICT cannot manage WCN without Council funding when the current contract ends in June 2010. Wellington City Council will have two choices: find funding to manage WCN or close it down. Retaining WCN funding under the community protection of the LTCCP avoids both unrealistic options.
Background information
Wellington City Council management recommend cutting ALL Community ICT funding from the draft LTCCP 2009-2019. This means an increasingly important community activity loses community protection offered by the LTCCP.
This single action reverses Wellington City Council’s position since the 1990s to fund core Community ICT activities like WCN. Other Councils in the region are increasing their direct involvement in Community ICT.
This petition seeks community support for ensuring WCN (and Community ICT) funding remains in the LTCCP.
Signatures: 982