Lighting in dog exercise parks

Petition details

Currently there is no adequate lighting provided in dog exercise areas in the Wellington City/Town Belt area. This is not only a personal safety issue for the dog walker but for the community. Dogs that are exercised and socialised regularly are well-balanced and less likely to display behavioural problems. Specifically we request that at least one exercise park in the Town belt area be supplied with lighting adequate for dog-exercising and personal safety.

Submitted by Barbara McLaughlin
Opened 22 April 2008
Closed 22 June 2008
Status Presented

Background information

This issue affects dogs and their owners every day. During winter it is dark in the morning and after work. While there are many great dog exercise areas in Wellington, we are unable to use them in winter without personal safety fears, especially in the Town Belt / Newtown area. The council would only need to place one street light in one or two areas for this issue to be resolved and to provide a safe place for owners to properly exercise their animals.


Signatures: 37

What happened to this petition?

This petition closed for signatures on 22 June 2008.

The petition was presented to the Strategy and Policy Committee on 21 August 2008.

This petition was referred to officers to consider in their work. Petitioners are invited to submit on the draft Dog Control Policy Bylaw, which will include possible improvements to dog exercise areas.