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Renaming of Wellington city street names

Petition details

That Council review all Wellington city streets and the Wellington city name and change those that are named after historical figures with behaviour that is abhorrent to me today. Stuff reports 11 Jun, Councillor Fitzsimons urging Lucy Telfar-Barnard to start a petition to rename Picton Ave. I think we should support this initiative and would also like to at least help start the Council off by adding these:

Submitted by Bernard Jennings
Opened 10 July 2020
Closes 24 July 2020
Status Not Presented

Background information

Washington Ave, George Washington slave trader. Te Wharepouri St, Berhampore, Te Wharepouri along with others such as Tautara, Titoko took many slaves at Nga Motu Wellesley Street, Arthur Wellesley, first Duke of Wellington slaughtered South Asians, sacked Indian cities. Dundas Street, Seatoun, Henry Dundas slave trader.


Signatures: 3

What happened to this petition?

This petition closed for signatures on 24 July 2020.