The Rata Sculpture Miramar Cutting

Petition details

The Rata Sculpture is a design by Kim and Warren Beaton, Kim has designed sculptures around the world. Enterprise Miramar Peninsula Inc (EMPI) ask that the Arts Advisors and the Wellington Sculpture Trust embrace this Sculpture as part of the Branding for the Miramar Peninsula. EMPI are not asking for funding but for a small plot of land at the Miramar cutting owned by Wellington City Council. The Miramar Peninsula is a recognised destination in Wellington

Submitted by Mary Anderson
Opened 4 September 2023
Closed 2 October 2023
Status Closed

Background information

In 2013 EMPI signed up with WCC to become a Business Improvement District creating a strategic plan part of which was to develop a strong brand identity and reputation for Miramar by creating new gateway signage – to launch a project to investigate options for installing unique gateway signage for Miramar at the Cutting


Signatures: 8

What happened to this petition?

This petition closed for signatures on 2 October 2023.