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How we assess BHIF applications and allocate funding

A breakdown of how Built Heritage Incentive Fund applications are assessed, prioritised and allocated.


When assessing an application we consider:

  • the heritage value of the building, including whether this is on the Wellington City District Plan Heritage List and the Heritage New Zealand list 
  • the risk of the heritage value diminishing if funding is not granted
  • confidence in the quality of the proposed work
  • confidence that the project costs are as accurate as possible and the building owner is willing to, and financially capable of, proceeding with the project
  • whether the building owner has sufficient resources, or has access to funding through company affiliations, and could proceed with the project without additional financial assistance
  • whether the project has received funds from other public grants
  • whether the project is visible and/or accessible to the public
  • if the project will provide a benefit to the community.

For conservation projects we prioritise:

  • the completion or updating of a conservation plan.

For seismic strengthening projects we prioritise:

  • buildings on the MBIE’s Earthquake-prone building list
  • buildings approaching the expiry date of their s124 Notice under the Building Act 2004
  • projects which strengthen more than one attached building
  • buildings which have not as yet commenced assessment or detailed design works.

When allocating funding we consider:

  • the value of the funding request
  • the value of the funding request when considered against the total project cost
  • parity with similar projects in previous rounds
  • equitable distribution in the current round
  • the amount of funding available for allocation.