The following actions reflect the intersections of how climate change is impacting our city, where our greatest opportunities to act lie, and what parts of the Implementation Plan have been prioritised for funding in the 2024 Long-term Plan.
Te whakapūmau i te mahi āhuarangi
Embedding climate action
- Wāhanga mahi: Tātari me te whakauruuru mai
Action area: Analysis and integration
- Wāhanga mahi: Ngā hononga tūnuku toitū
Action area: Sustainable transport networks
- Wāhanga mahi: Āhua tāone mō te āhuarangi
Action area: Climate resilient urban form
- Wāhanga mahi: Pūngao hangarua mō ngā whare
Action area: Renewable building energy
- Wāhanga mahi: Para me te wai para tukurua
Action area: Circular waste and wastewater
- Wāhanga mahi: Ngahere kanorau koiora
Action area: Biodiverse forestry
- Wāhanga mahi: Ngā pūnaha kai pakari
Action area: Resilient food systems
Te mahi tahi me ngā hapori
Collaborating with communities
- Wāhanga mahi: Mahi āhuarangi a te hapori
Action area: Community climate action