From searching the cemetery records, you'll be able to:
- see a satellite map of the cemetery
- see the location of the specific plot you are looking for
- get directions on a Google map to take you there
- have a link to share directions
- download the record.
The cemetery records system has records from these dates to the present day:
- Bolton Street Cemetery - from 1840
- Karori Cemetery - from 1891
- Makara Cemetery - from 1965
Search the cemetery records
Accuracy of records
Styles of record keeping have altered over the years. We try to make sure records are as accurate as possible. However, because these are historic records there may well be some level of inconsistency and inaccuracy.
Use the feedback form to comment on any records: Feedback form
Memorial inscriptions
A memorial inscription is wording in memory of a deceased person – whether on a plaque or headstone, or in the memorial book in the Karori Cemetery chapel – yet their remains have been buried elsewhere.
Burial records
The office holds records dating back to 1849 of interments at Bolton Street Cemetery.
The cemetery holds records for more than 151,409 people who have been interred or cremated. Records can be searched by plot location or name.
Archives online
You may also find the Wellington City Council Archives online portal a useful research tool.
Wellington City Archives has over 800,000 items in its collections with the earliest records dating back to 1840. Archives are continuously adding to their online records, so check back if what you’re looking for isn’t there yet.
If you can’t find what you’re looking for online, the original records can still be viewed at City Archives’ Wellington Office, by arrangement.