Exhibition opportunities

We offer opportunities to exhibit artwork at the Courtenay Place light boxes and Toi Pōneke Gallery.

Courtenay Place Park light boxes

We seek proposals for the Courtenay Place Park light boxes from curators and artists once a year.

Sign up to our City Arts Pānui to get emails about future calls for proposals.

Live performance exhibition at Toi Poneke Arts Centre.

Toi Pōneke Gallery

Toi Pōneke exhibits work by solo artists, groups and curators, with priority given to Wellington-based artists. It supports emerging contemporary artists and curators, as well as more established artists. Community and recreational artists with high standards of technical ability and presentation are also considered.

Submit a proposal

Applications are selected by the Toi Pōneke Exhibition Panel – for more details see our gallery page on the Toi Pōneke website

Email proposals to artscentre@wcc.govt.nz

Proposing an exhibition at Toi Pōneke Gallery (1.6MB PDF)
Tips for writing exhibition and funding proposals (122KB PDF)

Contact us

Pippa Sanderson, Senior Arts Advisor

Mobile: 021 454 039

Email: pippa.sanderson@wcc.govt.nz