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Services and information

Discover the city’s public art, heritage sites and libraries, and find out how we support arts and culture in Wellington.

Search cemetery records and find information about our cemeteries in Karori, Makara and Tawa.

Apply to sell alcohol or food, put up a sign, busk, or run a business that needs a health licence or gambling consent.

Explore our climate action plan, tree and plant services and how we’re working to become an eco-city.

Learn about our community services and programmes, apply for funding, and find a community centre near you.

Register your dog, find a dog exercise area, report a dog attack and learn about keeping other animals in Wellington.

Give feedback on Council proposals, consultations, petitions, public notices, and learn about other ways to get involved.

Find core documents and information about the Council’s partnership with mana whenua, and the Tūpiki Ora Māori strategy.

Stay up to date with the latest news and events from Wellington City Council.

Find out where to park, pay a parking ticket, apply for a parking permit or buy a parking coupon.

Search for property information and find out about rates, building and resource consents, and earthquake-strengthening.

Get active in the capital at our parks and sportsgrounds, walkways, playgrounds, recreation centres and pools.

Find out about rubbish and recycling collections, landfill services, and dealing with hazardous waste.

Learn about the Mayor and Councillors and their meetings. Explore our projects, plans, policies, bylaws and District Plan rules. Find out about working at the Council.

Find maps, learn about New Zealand’s seat of government, and explore things to do in the country’s cultural capital.

This Week in Our Wellington newsletter

Pick of the week: Celebrate Matariki Ahi Kā

Celebrate the Māori New Year in a uniquely Wellington way this long weekend. Enjoy Matariki Ahi Kā, an immersive walk-through journey including fire, projections, performances; and a ceremony each evening to honour those who have passed away and to express hopes for the future. Share kai at the Odlins Plaza kai court, while listening to performers on the Aroha stage. Check out what's going on and keep up to date with what is happening in the capital in this week's newsletter.


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