Woodhouse Avenue slip repair

We are repairing slip damage on Woodhouse Avenue, Karori.

About the project

Due to wet weather in July and August 2022, a slip occurred opposite 16 and 18 Woodhouse Avenue, Karori.

All soil, rocks and debris that slipped onto the road has been cleared and temporary concrete barriers established to enable the road to be opened for traffic, but the footpath is still currently closed.

To repair the slip damage, we will be installing some rock anchor stabilisation for the upper portion of the slope, as well as some sub-horizontal drains to relieve pore water pressure on the slip face.

We will also install an erosion protection mat and hydroseed for the low, less steep portion of the slope.

Traffic management

Construction will not occur before 7am or after 7pm.

The road will be down to one lane, controlled by traffic signals or manually as required.

We will do our best to mitigate any construction noise or dust during the construction period.

We will monitor traffic flows, particularly during the commuting peaks to minimise commuter impact.


February 2024

Contract work commenced on 18 October 2023. A temporary Traffic Management plan has been implemented and will continue until the completion of the construction work.

Site establishment, scaffolding work, scaling work and drilling for anchors are all complete.

The installation of anchors and steel net are in progress.

Construction work is scheduled to be completed in mid-May 2024.

September 2023

Tender awarded and contractor has been engaged for the work. Construction will commence on 18th October 2023.

Temporary traffic management

Corridor access permit and traffic management plan approval obtained.

Woodhouse Ave will have a 24/7 temporary speed reduction past the works. The road will remain open for resident access to properties including vehicles and cyclists at all times. The road will occasionally be reduced to a single lane under manual traffic control. The footpath will remain closed with a pedestrian diversion in place.

July 2023

The tender has been closed, and the building consent has been received.

Tender evaluation is in progress.

April 2023

The investigation and detailed signs have been completed, and the building consent has been submitted.

RFT document is completed and was published to GETS on 27 April. The tender will be closed on 26 May 2023.

Construction work has been scheduled for mid-August 2023.

Contact us

For more information email our Transport Structures team.
Email: transport.structures@wcc.govt.nz