Pirie Street play area renewal

Status Closed
Start date 22 September 2021
Closed date 13 October 2021

What happened to this consultation?

We asked for feedback from the community on the design concept for the Pirie Street play area. 

We had positive feedback on the design and have made some slight adjustments to the plan after hearing feedback from the public.

Pirie Street play area final design February 2022 (1.6MB PDF)

Some changes we made to the previous concept design include:

  • We are putting more items into the senior module, adding more components from refurbished items and adding some new items 
  • We have added an in-ground trampoline
  • We will renew the basketball backboard and hoop. The exterior area to the court will have some drainage added and we will put in some containment on the surrounds, to minimise detritus coming down the back onto the court
  • We are looking to modify the access point above the play area, to steer bikers coming down the track network away from the play area. 
  • We are looking to add more trees on the outside of the play area (on the side facing the carpark), which will provide shade over time
  • We have retained a grassed area
  • We will add an extra picnic table so there will be two, side by side, as well as some more bench seats
  • Council is going through a grants process in collaboration with Wellington Callisthenics, to secure funding for the preferred equipment and surfacing in this separate project.