2015-16 Draft Development Contributions Policy

Status Closed
Start date 9 April 2015
Closed date 30 April 2015
Number of submissions 9

What happened to this consultation?

Wellington City Council sought your feedback on our review of the Development Contributions Policy.

2015-16 Draft Development Contributions Policy (2MB PDF) | Text Version (24MB RTF)
Summary (197KB PDF) | Text Version (74KB RTF)

Next steps

  • 26 May 2015
    The Governance, Finance and Planning Committee reviewed submissions on the Draft Development Contributions Policy alongside the development of the Long-term Plan: Committee meeting - 26.05.16.
  • 24 June 2015
    Revised Development Contributions Policy presented to Council: Council meeting 24.06.15.


The Development Contributions Policy provides the Council with a means of recovering the costs of some specific growth infrastructure required for new development, where the development results in an increase in demand on the city’s infrastructure.

The Local Government Act 2002 requires the policy to be reviewed at least every three years. The Council’s Development Contributions Policy was first adopted in 2005, and is generally amended alongside the Council Long-term Plan.

Development contributions are a key component of Council’s strategy for funding growth-related capital expenditure.

Reviewing and updating the Development Contributions Policy ensures that the Council’s development contribution charges are based on the capital expenditure forecasts and assumptions in the Council’s 2015-25 Long-term Plan.